MySQL on Windows 10
MySQL on CentOS 6.7
A MySQL temp table was chosen (over a view) because:
- Needed to pass parameter dynamic data for filtering and sorting in the SELECT statement to retrieve user data. With a Temp table that is possible vs a View's select statement cannot contain a variable or a parameter (it's a known limitation).
- NOTE: If a View's select statement could contain variables and parameters it would have been chosen because:
- Data in a view is always current because it is dynamically generated, whereas the data in a temp table reflects the state of the database at the time it was populated and is only created once per session.
- We want to always update the View real-time, even in the same session for a user.
- Temp tables are created per session, so you can have the "same name" temp table across different sessions. MySQL will maintain different "copies" of it.
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS retrieve_user_specific_data;
CREATE PROCEDURE retrieve_user_specific_data(IN p_user_id varchar(100), IN p_results_per_page int, IN p_pagination_offset int,
IN p_sort_column varchar(100), IN p_sort_dir varchar(5),
IN p_fy_list varchar(100),
OUT p_total_count int,
OUT p_total_count_received int)
-- Log parameters
-- SELECT p_user_id, p_results_per_page, p_pagination_offset, p_sort_column, p_sort_dir, p_fy_list;
DECLARE v_user_id INT(11);
DECLARE v_rvw_id_list VARCHAR(3000);
DECLARE v_total_count INT(11);
DECLARE v_total_count_received INT(11);
-- Allow p_results_per_page, p_pagination_offset, p_sort_column, and p_sort_dir to be optional
-- integers have to be null or a value
SET p_results_per_page = IFNULL(p_results_per_page, 9999);
SET p_pagination_offset = IFNULL(p_pagination_offset, 0);
-- strings can be null, empty string '', or a value
SET p_sort_column = IF (NULLIF(p_sort_column, ' ') IS NULL, 'days_open', p_sort_column);
SET p_sort_dir = IF (NULLIF(p_sort_dir, ' ') IS NULL, 'DESC', p_sort_dir);
-- get user id from p_user_id by querying user table
SET v_user_id = (<SELECT to get data>);
-- Log user_id
-- SELECT v_user_id;
-- get review id list of reviews associated to user
SET v_rvw_id_list = (<SELECT to get data>);
-- create temp table with all data relevant to user
DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS temp_user_specific_data;
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_user_specific_data
(<SELECT to get data>);
-- get total count with filters from temp temp_user_specific_data data table
-- create temp_user_specific_data_total_counts to hold total count info
DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS temp_user_specific_data_total_counts;
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_user_specific_data_total_counts
column1, column2, count(*) AS total_count
-- if a filter is null, then don't apply it
-- if a filter is NOT null then apply it
(NULLIF(p_fy_list, ' ') IS NULL OR FIND_IN_SET(fiscal_year, p_fy_list))
-- NOTE: Do not need ORDER BY for total counts
GROUP BY column1
-- Retrieve total counts into OUT parameters. If the count is null, set it to 0
-- Total
SET v_total_count = (<SELECT temp_user_specific_data_total_counts to get data>);
SET p_total_count = IF (v_total_count IS NULL, 0, v_total_count);
-- Response Received
SET v_total_count_received = (<SELECT temp_user_specific_data_total_counts to get data>);
SET p_total_count_received = IF (v_total_count_received IS NULL, 0, v_total_count_received);
-- Log total counts
-- SELECT * from temp_user_specific_data_total_counts;
DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS temp_user_specific_data_total_counts;
-- select rows from temp_user_specific_data temp data table with the filters, sort and pagination passed to this function
-- get paged data set
-- if a filter is null, then don't apply it
-- if a filter is NOT null then apply it
(NULLIF(p_fy_list, ' ') IS NULL OR FIND_IN_SET(fiscal_year, p_fy_list))
-- Answer found - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15085149/passing-dynamic-order-by-in-stored-procedure
-- Need a case for each sort direction and each data type
-- days_open order
WHEN p_sort_dir <> 'ASC' THEN 0
WHEN p_sort_column = 'days_open' THEN days_open_count
-- other column sorts and directions removed
LIMIT p_pagination_offset,p_results_per_page
DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS temp_user_specific_data;
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