Tuesday, July 23, 2013

ssh to remote server passwordlessly

Often you'll want to run a script on serverB from serverA using ssh, one of those times is during an automated development build where you don't have the option of entering in a password.  Let's explore some options to do that passwordlessly.

Say serverA is where your automated build tool is installed.  serverB is where you want to deploy a war file to an application server using an automated script you want to invoke with ssh.

Both serverA and serverB were running CentOS for these set of instructions.

Step 1: On serverA machine, generate the authentication keys for ssh authentication.
  • For default rsa key filename, enter the following
    • [cherryshoe@serverA ~]$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
  • For specific rsa key filename for serverB, enter the following
    • [cherryshoe@serverA .ssh]$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ./id_rsa.serverB -C "Key for dev integration test server"
This will generate the authentication key pair -

  • id_rsa and id_rsa.pub OR 
  • id_rsa.serverB and id_rsa.serverB.pub

The result will be similar to:
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in ./id_rsa.serverB.
Your public key has been saved in ./id_rsa.serverB.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
e9:d6:a6:ad:6d:89:15:31:59:be:ae:32:99:eb:10:e6 Key for dev integration test server

Step 2: NOTE: This step is not required.  Use ssh-agent to securely store the private key on serverA.  This will enable you to avoid continuing to type the pass-phrase when sshing from serverA to serverB.

[cherryshoe@serverA .ssh]$ ssh-agent $BASH
[cherryshoe@serverA .ssh]$ ssh-add
Identity added: /home/cherryshoe/.ssh/id_rsa
[cherryshoe@serverA .ssh]$ ssh-add id_rsa.serverB
Identity added: /home/cherryshoe/.ssh/id_rsa.serverB

NOTE: To list all private keys on serverA, issue ssh-add -l

Step 3: Copy public key to serverB

Step 3a: If sshpass is installed, otherwise use Step 3b.
  • Navigate to /<home>/.ssh - note that the id_rsa.pub already exists (default name from above step)
  • Run a single command with sshpass, if installed
    • sshpass -p <password of user on serverB> ssh-copy-id <server B IP address>
  • Test
    • ssh <server B IP address>
Step 3b: Copy the public key over to serverB <home>/.ssh/authorized_keys file.

Option a: manual
  • If the file doesn't exist yet, then copy over public key.pub file over as the authorized_keys file.
    • i.e: 
      • scp id_rsa.pub to the serverB AS <home>/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • If it does, then open up the contents of the public key .pub file on serverA, and append it to the existing authorized_keys file on serverB.
Option b: automated
Use ssh-copy-id to automate this step
[cherryshoe@serverA .ssh]$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub cherryshoe@serverB
cherryshoe@serverB's password:

Step 4: Ensure serverB user's .ssh directory has permission 700 and the authorized
_keys file has permission 640

drwx------. 2 cherrryshoe wheel 4096 Jul 8 08:00 .
drwx------. 5 cherryshoe cherryshoe   4096 Jul 7 15:43 ..
-rw-r-----. 1 cherryshoe wheel  398 Jul 8 08:00 authorized_keys

You should now be able to ssh from serverA to serverB passwordlessly!  

NOTE:  The above instructions are for when the user on serverA and serverB are the same username. Take for example serverA cherryshoe wants to ssh to serverB as shoetech:

On serverA machine:

  • Generate the keys for user shoetech
  • ssh-keygen -t rsa -f id_serverB_shoetech -C "shoetech@serverB"
  • ssh-copy-id id_serverB_shoetech.pub shoetech@serverB
  • check the known_hosts file now has the serverB IP

Generate the keys for user cherryshoe

  • ssh-keygen -t rsa -f id_serverB_cherryshoe -C "cherryshoe@serverB"

On serverB machine:

  • Append the contents of id_serverB_cherryshoe.pub to shoetech's authorized_keys file.  The authorized_keys of shoetech user should have two .pub keys (one for cherryshoe user, second for shoetech user).  Make sure each .pub key has username@hostname at the end (this will already be at the end if you use the -C parameter when generating the key pair with ssh-keygen command).

From serverA, now you will need to specify the path to private key for user shoetech, to ssh into serverB as shoetech

  • ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_serverB_shoetech shoetech@serverB

These articles were a great help.

1 comment:

  1. Great to have this as a reference! (may need to do this in the near future)


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